Greetings all
In this last month I’ve been to California three times. Two weeks ago I was in Long Beach for Twitchcon. I got back from Blizzcon on Sunday. On Tuesday I had my day trip in LA. Both events were fun. I spent most my time at H1Z1 tournaments at twitchcon. At Blizzcon I spent most my time at the Starcraft stage.
Blizzcon Pictures
Twitchcon Picture
I didn’t really take many pictures at either event. The other Twitchcon pictures are on FB.
Here is picture of an upcoming cosplay: Star Guardian Ahri. I’m a little sick in the picture so if I look colourless that is why.
In 10 days I’ll be flying to Australia. Expect a lot of IRL streams. Check my twitter for the most up to date doings in Australia. Soon I will be starting a look book section on my website, which will include my favourite gaming attire. Anyway enjoy. Be happy have fun. ❤️❤️❤️