My Concentrated Face


When my sister in law first met me. She said I look like exactly like my brother. She said I was splitting image. I remember her saying we even have the same facial expressions, especially when we play video games.

My love for video games started early. When I was in primary school I would come home, and I would go straight to my brothers room to play games. My brother was an artist. He drew many things from anime, his teachers to Jimmy Hendrix. I even saw him draw picture of Sarah Michelle Gellar. She was on the cover of the weekly TV guide at the time. Anyway back to my story. I got home that afternoon, and started playing Killer Instincts. My brother of course was in the room, and randomly said ‘hey sit still’. Which was a weird comment, because he never tells me what to do. Anyway I kept playing Killer Instinct (I was playing Orchid). Time had passed and he said the same comment a couple more times. His comments did strike me as odd still but I was too concentrated on beating the game to care.

Then a little bit later. Probably about an hour or two later. I got up to use the bathroom. As I proceeded to leave the room he stops me to show me the picture he drew. It was of me playing videos games. He said that I have a certain face when I play games. I now know it as my concentrated face, thanks to twitch.It’s something I should of known long time ago when this picture was drawn.

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